
Libra Tattoo


Tattoos from the zodiac calendar are always good at symbolizing the personality of the wearer. Libra is the sign for anyone born between September 23rd and October 22nd. Libra’s represent life and balance and are generally worn by people that have a cool and calm demeanor. Libra tattoos show stability and harmony with nature and are a good way to display your place in the stars. Justice is another strong trait in a Libra tattoo, and the resilience and stability that represent a Libra gives it the symbol of the scale.

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Heart Wing Tattoo Design on Girls


Many times, people who lose their dear ones, get a heart tattoo with wing tattoo done. The wings are used to symbolize that the beloved one is carried to heaven by the angels. This is in fact one of the most famous memorial tattoo designs. These were some heart with wings tattoo meanings, let us take a look at a few designs.

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Heart Wing Tattoo Design


Heart with wing tattoos are mostly done on the lower back, arm and wrist. The location depends mainly on the size of the tattoo. These tattoos can be extended easily and that's why the location should be chosen carefully. Talking about winged heart tattoo designs, you can make your own design or choose one depending on the reason for getting the tattoo done. Like, people who had a bad experience with love, often get a heart with one wing or a heart with a dagger in it. People who are in love like to embed their beloveds' name in the heart. Different color combinations like blue for the wings and red for the heart or any dark or light color for the wings and a shaded heart can also make a unique design.

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